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Puerto Cayo is a town that is slowly being discovered by
travelers thanks to its warm climate, friendly inhabitants, activities
tourism and sports such as surfing, as well as whale watching.
The territories of Puerto Cayo and Puerto La Boca were populated from
ancient times by different pre-Hispanic cultures such as
Valdivia, Machalilla, among others. These ancient peoples had a
knowledge of the arts, as well as fishing. They were dedicated to
elaboration of various clay objects and the collection of the
Spondylus shell.
The same one that was used to barter with other countries such as Mexico, Peru and Chile. There are many settlements
around the coast of ManabÃ, with archaeological treasures that are
they preserve history. (Sanctuary, 2017)
Specifically, the area of the Parish of Puerto Cayo was populated
in pre-Hispanic times by indigenous peoples who belonged to
the Manteño - Huancavilca ethnic group. (Pihuave, 2015, p. 24])
In 1973 Jipijapa suffered from a lack of fertile land, so the population had to settle in more humid areas. In 1780 through the Real Cédula of August 2, it is stated that those who own properties will be given deeds to justify that these territories belong to them.
This process lasted around 43 years and finally ends in 1805
when Jipijapa ratified the ownership of this territory on October 20.
On April 20, 1911, Puerto Cayo was established as a rural community. (GAD Puerto Cayo, 2015)
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