Puerto Cayo The celebration of the Virgen de la Merced continues.
23 September 2022
by Tony Ruiz
5:30 am
While it rains and drizzles all the night, the musicians of Puerto Cayo wake up with rockets playing their excellent music, cheering up the parishioners through the streets of the subcenter and other towns of el town, these festivities will continue until September 26 and will be part of the annual tradition that is celebrated to honor the virgin who is also the patron saint of the military,
In religious matters, the traditional novenas, with the image of the Virgin, are the main event. In advance, a directive is organized and is in charge of raising funds and organizing the novenas, town bands are hired, refreshments are provided and dances are organized, where people share in honor of their patron saint, the Virgin of Mercy.
Every year in Puerto Cayo carry out various social, cultural and religious events in the different neighborhoods of the city and the Jipi Japa canton.
Puerto Cayo is in its celebrations of the ´Virgen de la Merced´
bY Tony Rui
traditional festivals of the magical town Puerto Cayo, which makes it's faithful followers share in union with the Holy Spirit. Arrangements are made in each neighborhood to joyfully receive the tour of the ´Virgin´, in the company of the authorities of the "GAD Parroquial", the Fire Department and students of the ´Puerto Cayo´ Educational School of Puerto Cayo; This was celebrated on September 16, 2022.